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How To Secure A Tent Without Stakes: 7 Easy Ways

How To Secure A Tent Without Stakes: 7 Easy Ways

Those who enjoy camping won’t get very far without a tent. Whether it is for one person or a group, setting it up to provide a secure shelter is one of the first things to do once you’ve settled on a location for your campsite. But what do you do if you’ve forgotten to bring along stakes or you didn’t check that all parts and pieces were included in the packaging of the new tent you purchased? Knowing how to secure a tent without stakes can get you out of a sticky spot. Here are 7 easy ways to do so.


Setting Up a Tent Without the Benefit of Stakes


If you need to secure your tent and don’t have any stakes in your gear, you will have to get creative. This means you will need to use whatever is available in the area around your campsite.

While you may find some natural items that can help secure the tent, you may also be in an area where items are scarce or not accessible. In this case, you’ll need to be inventive in providing a way to set up and secure your tent.

Whether you are camping in the forest, on rocky terrain, beside a river, on frozen ground, or sandy conditions, when faced with high winds, your tent needs to be secure to prevent it from blowing away.


Natural Rocks


The type of environment where you are setting up camp may provide a wealth of items to use to secure a tent or useful items may be non-existent. If your campsite is around or near a river, waterfall, pond, or other water source for example, you may have access to numerous rocks large enough to provide tent security.

Look for broad rocks that have enough weight to secure the tent. Flat or oval type rocks are recommended since they don’t have any pointed or sharp edges that can damage the material of the tent.

Depending on the size of the rocks and how many you have access to will be a factor in how many you will need to provide adequate security to the tent. As a guide, select rocks that are least the size of your head. You will also want extra rocks for additional weight in case of windy conditions.

To secure the rocks to the tent can be done two ways. One way is to carefully place the rocks around the base and along the edges of the tent. Since this option can be problematic for the tent fabric, use this process as a last resort, whenever possible.

The second option prevents potential damage to the fabric. For tents equipped with a tie-out cord, also known as a guy line, located at each corner of the tent, tie each cord tightly around a large rock. The weight of the rock helps hold the tent in place when the wind picks up without causing any damage to the fabric.




If your campsite is in a forested area, you most likely have access to logs large enough to secure your tent. The logs can be placed along the edges at the base of the tent, like the rocks, if the tent has anchors. If the tent has tie-out cords, tie the cords to the logs for security.

If placing the logs around the edge of the tent, place each one securely so it doesn’t roll away from its position.

If you have limited resources for both rocks and logs, or you can’t find sufficiently sized rocks or logs, combine the collected resources you do have of the two items and place them along the edge of the tent. The combined weight of the rocks and logs works well together to secure a tent.


Other Options


The use of rocks, logs, or a combination of the two provides the most help in securing a tent. If neither resource is available, consider the following options.


If you have brought along firewood to use when setting up your campsite, it can be used as a weight to secure the tent. If you don’t have any firewood handy, you will need to go out and gather an assortment of wood pieces, sticks, small branches, etc. If you have any paracord, bind the pieces together into several individual bundles, then place them along the edge of the tent.

If you happen to have a hatchet in your camping gear, this can make things a little easier. While looking for items to create the firewood bundles, also collect any larger pieces, such as tree branches. Use the hatchet to split the heavy wood pieces into smaller bits to be placed along the tent edge.


Sticks can also be used as a weight. Gather a large stack of thick sticks and bind them in bundles using paracord or thick twine, then place the individual batches around the edge of the tent. The weight of the sticks will not be as heavy as that of firewood or logs, but it will work as long as the wind level remains very minimal.

Forked Stick Stakes

Thick sticks that are forked come in handy to use as a stake to secure tent loops. Insert each stick as far as possible into the ground, packing the dirt tightly around the base, then place the loop over the fork on each stake. The structure of the fork helps hold the loop in place.

Securing the Tent to a Tree

If you are camping in a wooded area, the trees can serve as a strong option for securing the tent. For this to work, you will need to find a location for the tent where you will have access to no fewer than four trees. You will then tie the corner of each tent to one of the trees.

In the event you can’t find a location with four nearby trees but there is at least one tree to tie the tent to, you will need to compensate with alternate items to place around the remaining edge of the tent. This is a situation where you can use rocks, logs, or a combination of the two. If these resources aren’t available, use items from your gear to provide weight.

When you tie your tent to just one tree, use caution if the campsite is being subjected to heavy wind activity. One corner of the tent tied to a tree during windy conditions will prevent the tent from blowing away. If the winds are very heavy, it could lead to the tent being toppled around and severely ripping the material.

Maybe your camping excursion is in an area prone to having a more rocky landscape versus a forested area. If this is the case, finding firewood, logs, or loose rocks may be limited, resulting in not enough items to create the weight necessary to secure your tent. When faced with this situation and heavy wind conditions, use large rocks and boulders as a screen to protect the tent.

Make Wooden Stakes

The most creative way to secure the tent is to carve your own wooden stake to use with the tie-lines or loops attached to the tent. This is easy to do in just a few steps.

You’ll need a small branch at least one foot long and several inches thick. Take a sharp knife and carve one end into a point. This allows the branch to be pushed easily into the ground.

About three inches down from the opposite end of the stick, use the knife to carve a notch in the form of an inverted “U” into the branch. The notch will be used to secure the tie-line.

Double the number of stakes to make so there are two stakes per tie line or loop. Once the stakes are driven straight and deep into the ground, you’ll then secure the tent by tying the lines to the stakes.




While it isn’t always necessary to use stakes to secure your tent, it is always best to be prepared for unforeseen situations. Campers who use dome tents, for example, do not always stake down their tent. Instead, they prefer to keep the lightweight tent mobile so it can be easily moved whenever they choose to change locations. This is fine as long as there is no chance of heavy wind.

Since weather conditions can change quickly, a good rule of thumb is to have a tool and accessory kit to take along on every outing. Whether you are planning a hiking, camping, or backpacking excursion, you never know when you may need to get creative. The kit should contain items that can be useful at any time of year. It should also have items that are useable on diverse types of terrain.


Essential Camping Tools and Accessories to Secure a Tent


Space is always at a premium when camping, but having essential items can save the day. While you may already have these stashed away for future use, there may be an item or two to you’ll want to add to your kit..

  • Multi-tool knife
  • Carving knife
  • Hatchet
  • Extra tent stakes
  • Paracord
  • Heavy twine


Final Thoughts


A good rule to keep in mind when camping is to be sure your camping gear includes not only standard tools, but to include the suggested items that can be used when creativity is required. You never know what may come up or how the wind will blow, requiring quick thinking, imagination, and ingenuity to ensure a safe and secure camping adventure.

Looking for more camping tips ahead of your next trip? Our list of essential guides has got you covered.